Introducing a new pattern over at Ochibo! What else, but a squid? I know, why do we need another squid pattern? Well, my squidlet is anatomically correct. Yep. that is right, mating/feeding tentacles and all. Cover the kid's eyes....
The End is frickin' NIGH! The atomic blast was bad enough, right? But now this GIANT GODDAMN ROBOT has come to destroy us all!!! Maybe he just wants hugs!! RIGHT!?! OH GOD RUN!!! Up in the shop. More sizes color options up soon!
Yes! Yes! All go to the IndieMart! June 21st, 12-7pm! 17th and Wisconsin Street! It will be fun, loud and rockin'! Many great crafts and extra cool people! Ochibo and Skeletal Dropkick will both be there! GO! GO! GO!