Friday, February 29, 2008

Ugly Teddies: A New Kind of Monster

Howdy, monster fans!

I'm a newcomer in this most excellent collection of monster makers, and so with no further ado I present to you a new kind of cuddly monster: the Ugly Teddy!

All of the Ugly Teddies began life as normal, boring plush animals, fabricated by heartless, sterile corporations to conform to society's standards of puerile cuteness. Needless to say, many plush animals are extremely unhappy in this state, which is where I come in. With the help of my fiancee, I rescue the many Teddies who are unhappy in their saccharine state and return them to their rightful forms. Often times, the results are a little morbid, maybe even shocking, and almost invariably, the Teddies go from cute to downright Ugly.

But of course, ugliness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. One could certainly argue that the Teddies are cute in their own right -- certainly some more than others, of course.

We've currently got five (arguably) cute and (dubiously) cuddly Teddies up for sale in our Etsy store (, with plans for many more on the way. Check back often to check out our Teddies! No two are exactly alike, and we try to constantly innovate with totally new and different forms of Ugly Teddy. Also, for sold and not-for-sale Teddies, along with Ugly Teddy biographies, take a peek at our website:

Thanks for having us here on Monster Etsy -- it's great to be here!

-- The Ugly Teddy team

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